发明名称 Interactive communication network
摘要 The invention relates to a method of utilizing an interactive wireless communication network in a defined, logically divided area for a location-independent audience with portable communication units for audiovisual messages, in which the available information depends on what position the individual communication unit has within the area, and which may map the pattern of movement of the audience. Position-related electronic information from a base unit (1) with aerial equipment (2) to an audience unpredictably wandering about, is achieved through ordinary geometric measurements from at least two aerials. For information separation purposes the area is divided into a logical grid of fields/zones identified by coordinate references, in which hierarchic information and/or links to other sources of information has been assigned to each logical field. Each communication unit (3, 4, 5, 6, n) may communicate interactively with the base unit (1) by activating transmitted information links, and is permitted through a signal selector (7, 8, 9, 10, n) to choose another or further information. Information acquired from the base unit (1) may be used to map the moving pattern of the audience. The communication unit (3, 4, 5, 6, n) is provided with an alarm device, which is triggered, for example at closing time, if the unit is physically moved out of the relevant area or similar.
申请公布号 AU4533899(A) 申请公布日期 1999.11.16
申请号 AU19990045338 申请日期 1999.04.20
分类号 G09F25/00;H04L12/56;H04L29/08 主分类号 G09F25/00
代理机构 代理人