摘要 <p>A radiotelemetry device for the measurement of blood flow rates in a mammal by measuring changes in bioimpedance. The device comp rises an elongated flexible catheter adapted to be inserted into a mammal's vessels, and a pair of current source electrodes and a pair of sensing electrodes disposed on the outer surface of the catheter. The pair of sensing electrodes is spaced apart along the catheter surface and disposed between the pair of current source electrodes. An implantable housing is connected to the catheter. A source of measured current is connected to the transmitting electrodes and a means for transmitting a radio signal is connected to the pair of sensing electrodes. The measured current source and the radio transmission means are contained within the housing. The device may be used advantageously in a system which comprises the above described catheter in conjunction with a receiver means for receiving the radio signal and transforming the radio signal into an electrical signal, and a signal processor means for transforming the electrical signal into a blood flow rate measurement signal.</p>
申请公布号 WO1994022367(A1) 申请公布日期 1994.10.13
申请号 US1994000093 申请日期 1994.01.06
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人