摘要 <p>Imaging apparatus including an imaging surface (12) having formed thereon a latent image, including image portions at a first voltage and background portions at a second voltage and a developer operative to develop the latent image with a liquid toner comprising charged toner particles and carrier liquid. The developer includes an electrified moving developer electrode (18), operatively engaged with the imaging surface to form a development region therebetween, whereat the latent image is developed and a resilient blade (32), having an operative edge urged against the outer surface (19) of the developer electrode (18) after it leaves the development region, for removing toner particles from the developer electrode. The resilient blade (32) includes a relatively thin base sheet (38) formed of a relatively hard material comprising the operative edge and having a back surface (42) facing generally outwardly from the development roller and a built-up portion (44) having a non-uniform, hydrodynamically shaped thickness profile and mounted on at least a portion of the back surface (42) adjacent the operative edge of the resilient blade, the built-up portion being operative to substantially reduce accumulation of the toner particles on the resilient blade.</p>
申请公布号 WO1994022060(A1) 申请公布日期 1994.09.29
申请号 NL1993000066 申请日期 1993.03.23
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人