发明名称 Compressible blanket assembly
摘要 A void-free, latex rubber cushion layer is interposed between the blanket cylinder and the base layer of a compressible printing blanket in an offset printing press. The latex cushion layer has a thickness of from 8 to 12 mils, and has a spring modulus which is substantially less than the spring modulus of the compressible layer in the printing blanket. The latex cushion layer will compress slightly, about 1 mil, in response to preloading at typical preload impression pressure. This means that a good quality print may be obtained at a substantially reduced impression pressure level, since it is not necessary to preload the blanket. During a printing operation, the latex cushion layer is under preload compression and applies a back pressure force which assures a quality imprint. The compressible layer of the blanket, which has a greater spring constant, is not compressed at the typical printing pressure setting. However, the compressible layer in the printing blanket is yieldable and will compress by about 3-4 mils when the loading is increased in response to a misfeed situation, for example, when two sheets or two envelopes are fed through simultaneously. This arrangement also permits envelopes and flat sheets to be printed in successive printing runs without buildup modification of the impression cylinder surface.
申请公布号 US5350623(A) 申请公布日期 1994.09.27
申请号 US19920945480 申请日期 1992.09.21
分类号 B32B25/04;B41N10/04;(IPC1-7):B32B7/02 主分类号 B32B25/04
代理机构 代理人