摘要 <p>A concatenator for a first digital frame with a second digital frame, such as the ending and beginning of adjacent diphone strings being concatenated to form speech is based on determining an optimun blend point for the first and second digital frames in response to the magnitudes of samples in the first and second digital frames. The frames are then blended to generate a digital sequence representing a concatenation of the first and second frames with reference to the optimum blend point. The system operates by first computing an extended frame in response to the first digital frame, and then finding a subset of the extended frame with matches the second digital frame using a minimum average magnitude difference function over the samples in the subset. The blend point is the first sample of the matching subset. To generate the concatenated waveform, the subset of the extended frame is combined with the second digital frame and concatenated with the beginning segments of the extended frame to produce the concatenate waveform.</p>
申请公布号 WO1994017517(A1) 申请公布日期 1994.08.04
申请号 US1994000770 申请日期 1994.01.18
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人