发明名称 Fuel gas generator for lean gas generation
摘要 A fuel gas generator for lean gas generation by gasification of organic, inorganic, or fossil fuel substances. The triple shell structure of the generator includes a frame casing, a shaft jacket, and a reactor shaft. A fuel feeder including a fuel feed container is located substantially at the top of the reactor shaft and has a gas-tight entry lock. Reaction gas feed and ash discharge are located substantially at the base of the reactor shaft. Preheating, degassing, oxidation, and reduction zones and lean gas take-off orifices having at least one lean gas removal pipe connected thereto are arranged one after another in the shaft. The reactor shaft is gas-tight except for the lean gas take-off orifices. A firebox defined by a conical constriction is located in a middle region of the reactor shaft substantially below the preheating and degassing zones. The constriction tapers downwardly towards the base of the firebox retaining and supports a bed, pile, or stack of degassed and partially oxidized fuel substrate. A circular or annular opening, passage, or slot acts as a grate or grid element located at the base of the constriction at the termination of the reduction zone and as an upper terminus of a gas-tight ash chamber. At least one lean gas take-off orifice is located in the reactor shaft below the grid element.
申请公布号 US5318602(A) 申请公布日期 1994.06.07
申请号 US19910798320 申请日期 1991.11.26
分类号 C10J3/26;(IPC1-7):C10J3/68 主分类号 C10J3/26
代理机构 代理人