发明名称 Database interactive prompted query system having named database tables linked together by a user through join statements
摘要 Method and computer database system for implementing an interactive prompted query system in a database system having a plurality of named database tables which a user can link together for query purposes by entering join statements. The join statements are analyzed by determining that one or more groups of separately linked database table names are referenced in the join statements. If more than one group exists, then the join statements are adjusted so that only a single group of separately linked database table names is referenced by the join statements. The single group of names may be determined by selecting the group which contains the name first entered by the user, by selecting the group which contains the highest number of names, by prompting the user to select the group or by any other logical means. More particularly, the join statements are analyzed using a graphical technique to determine the groups of tables. The tables are represented as nodes and the join relationships are represented as lines. The lines are traced to determine all of the nodes connected to form a single graph. Each graph represents a separately linked group of database tables.
申请公布号 US5287493(A) 申请公布日期 1994.02.15
申请号 US19900576022 申请日期 1990.08.31
分类号 G06F12/00;G06F17/30;(IPC1-7):G06F15/40;G06F15/419 主分类号 G06F12/00
代理机构 代理人