发明名称 System for determining and repairing instability in an IIR filter suitable for use in deghosting apparatus
摘要 A digital transversal IIR filter, in which the sum of the magnitudes of a large number of coefficient multipliers (which may be real or complex) is greater than unity, may be stable or it may be unstable. The present invention is directed to (1) a test for stability in such a filter which is simpler and faster than solving a large number of polynomial equations, and (2) the repair of a filter found by this test to be unstable. Specifically, means responsive to the respective gradients of the magnitudes of chirp-z transforms of time-domain multiplier coefficient values within one or more selected localized regions of the complex in-phase (I), quadrature(Q) frequency-domain plane determine that a filter is unstable whenever the gradient of the magnitude values of the chirp-z transform within a selected localized region of the frequency-domain plane indicates that there is a pole in the frequency-domain plane that is located beyond the boundary of a frequency-domain unit circle. The selected localized region may consist of sample points situated on the respective circumferences of a unit circle, a slightly smaller circle inside the unit circle and a slightly larger circle outside the unit circle in the frequency domain plane. Repair of an unstable filter may be accomplished by deriving different non-zero valued multiplier coefficients by flattening the phase response within the selected localized region of the frequency domain before converting back to the time domain.
申请公布号 US5282154(A) 申请公布日期 1994.01.25
申请号 US19920891582 申请日期 1992.06.01
分类号 H03H15/00;H03H17/00;H03H17/04;H04B3/04;H04B3/23;H04N5/21;(IPC1-7):G06F15/31 主分类号 H03H15/00
代理机构 代理人