摘要 <p>A toy water bow which is operated by selectively releasing water from a water reservoir (15) that is pressurized with air. The bow is formed in the general shape of an archery bow that has a manually operated air pump (49) incorporated into it. The air pump pressurizes the water reservoir and consequently exerts pressure on water contained therein. The pressurized air and water have an avenue of release (23) that is regulated by a pull mechanism (9) of the invention. When no force is applied to the pull mechanism, the pressurized air and water are held at bay without release from the reservoir. When force is applied to the pull mechanism in a predetermined manner, water is released from the pressurized reservoir and is channeled through a narrow nozzle (13). The escape of the water through the narrow nozzle creates a stream of propelled water in the form of an 'arrow' of predetermined length. The shooting may be repeated until the water is consumed or until the pressure of the reservoir equals that of the ambient air.</p>
申请公布号 WO1994000244(A1) 申请公布日期 1994.01.06
申请号 US1993002632 申请日期 1993.03.23
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人