摘要 <p>A network monitoring method and apparatus (61) is disclosed for monitoring communication connections temporarily established over a network (60) between respective pairs of entities for passing protocol data units therebetween. The connections are, for example, conducted in accordance with the TCP/IP protocol suite. The method involves the steps of monitoring the network to identify the protocol data units and the connection to which each such unit relates, and maintaining an active group (67) of call records each representing a respective connection considered to be currently active. The active group (67) of call records is maintained by adding a new call record to the group each time a protocol data unit is identified as relating to a connection unrepresented in the active group (67); updating an existing call record in the group (67) in response to any further protocol data units being identified as relevant to the connection represented by that record; and removing an existing call record from the active group to a completed-call group (69) when the corresponding connection is judged completed having regard to a continuing absence of further protocol data units relevant to that connection.</p>
申请公布号 WO1993026111(A1) 申请公布日期 1993.12.23
申请号 GB1992001090 申请日期 1992.06.17
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人