摘要 <p>A clock (14), a lamp (16), an alarm (24), a motion detector (18), and a smoke detector (22) are advantageously combined in a travel device (36) which provides the user with both convenience and security when travelling. The motion detector (18) detects motion and controls the activation of the alarm (24) and/or the delivery of light from the lamp (16). If motion occurs under circumstances suggesting that an intruder is present or if smoke is detected, the alarm signal and the degree of illumination alert the user to a potential security concern. If motion occurs under circumstances indicating the user is present and engaging in normal activities, the illumination is sufficient for those activities. If motion is not detected during a predetermined time period, suggesting that the user has gone to sleep, the illumination is ended. The alarm (24) and the lamp (16) may also be activated by clock functions, thereby achieving alarm clock functionality.</p>
申请公布号 WO1993022752(A1) 申请公布日期 1993.11.11
申请号 US1993004488 申请日期 1993.04.30
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人