发明名称 Ion migration control in electrolyte
摘要 <p>Ions are oriented and their disordered migration within an electrolyte is prevented by an electromagnetic device. It can be achieved by the flow of the electrolyte in a fixed magnetic field or by the translation or rotation of a field through the electrolyte, as in the unipolar apparatus described. Until now, this result could only be imperfectly obtained by porous diaphragms or semipermeable membranes.</p>
申请公布号 FR2036915(A1) 申请公布日期 1970.12.31
申请号 FR19690012054 申请日期 1969.04.25
申请人 BES MARCEL 发明人
分类号 H01M10/00;(IPC1-7):01K1/00;01M29/00 主分类号 H01M10/00
代理机构 代理人