发明名称 Computerised process control - particularly applied to glass fibre production
摘要 <p>A system for carrying out a process, particularly the manufacture of glass fibres, comprising a series of control loops detecting and modifying the states of the process variables with each of which a pre-determined member of increments of control time is associated, defining the spacing of the control operations made on the relevant state. The data processing equipment is selectively connected to different control loops by a cyclic computer progressing by one unit at the start of each increment of control time and a memory in which the numbers of such increments for each loop, separating the control operations, are stored. The system contains a further memory recording a phase numer within the cycle of each control loop, which is allotted in such a way that when combined with a particular content of the computer by means of an operation sign which is a function of the method of counting of the computer, it gives a whole number when divided by the spacing number, each loop having a different phase number. A circuit responsive to the passage of each increment of control time mathematically combines the content of the computer with the phase number of each loop and divides each result by the spacing number of the corresponding loop. A circuit is provided which detects the presence of a whole number quotient and connects the appropriate loop to the data processing system.</p>
申请公布号 FR2108894(A1) 申请公布日期 1972.05.26
申请号 FR19700037504 申请日期 1970.10.16
分类号 G05B15/00;G05B15/02;G05D23/22;(IPC1-7):05B19/00;03B37/00;06F15/00;05B15/00 主分类号 G05B15/00
代理机构 代理人