发明名称 Radix aligner for floating point addition and subtraction
摘要 In a hardware floating point adder, each operand exponent is logically divided into fields. The corresponding fields of each exponent are input to a separate shift logic circuit which determines a relative amount to shift the operand mantissa without reference to any carry bit from a lower order field. Both mantissas are potentially shifted, each by one or more shift logic circuit outputs, making it possible to perform some of the shifts simultaneously. Using 11 bit exponents in accordance with ANSI/IEEE Standard 754-1985, double format for 64-bit numbers, operand registers are logically divided into: field #3, consisting the lowest two order bits; field #2 consisting of the next lowest two order bits after the first two; and field #1 consisting of the highest 7 order bits. The shift logic circuit for field #3 shifts and Operand A mantissa, right or left, 0, 1, 2 or 3 bits. The shift logic circuit for field #2 simultaneously shifts an Operand B mantissa, right or left, 0, 4, 8 or 12 bits. The shift logic circuits for field #1 shifts and Operand B mantissa, right or left, 0, 16, 32, 48 or 64 bits; this shift is performed after the shift from field #2. The cumulative shifts performed above effect a relative shift of the two mantissas by the correct amount. The mantissas are then added/subtracted in the normal manner, and shift adjusted after the addition/subtraction.
申请公布号 US5247471(A) 申请公布日期 1993.09.21
申请号 US19910807002 申请日期 1991.12.13
分类号 G06F5/01;G06F7/485;G06F7/50 主分类号 G06F5/01
代理机构 代理人