摘要 <p>An electrical head interconnect assembly is fabricated for installation upon the suspension member supporting a magnetic read/write head over a rotating storage disk of a magnetic disk drive. An interconnect is comprised of a film carrier strip (50) upon which conducting elements (52) are positioned and bonded. The conducting elements (52) are routed along a prepatterned carrier strip defining the X, Y and Z coordinate positioning required to mate with a suspension member (54) without manual routing or manipulation. The conducting elements are fixedly spaced with stripped insulation at both termination points of the interconnect (electronics and head) allowing prepositioned, automatable bonding to connective pads. A suspension member (54) positioned and bonded within the strip at appendage sites, completes the installation of the conducting elements (52) upon the suspension. The carrier then serves to secure the conductors and suspension within the protective framework of the strip and provides patterned tooling references (62) until excised upon completion of suspension assembly.</p>
申请公布号 WO1993015593(A1) 申请公布日期 1993.08.05
申请号 US1992010607 申请日期 1992.12.08
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人