发明名称 Computer control system and method for sorting articles on a conveyor
摘要 A system and method for sorting articles. An exemplary embodiment of the system includes a conveyor for transporting articles, a database for storing identification information for each article on the conveyor and address information specifying the location of each article on the conveyor, one or more drop stations adjacent to the conveyor for unloading articles, a processor, coupled to the conveyor, the one or more drop stations, and the database, for accessing article information from the database, allocating to each of one or more drop stations a list of articles sorted according to one or more sorting criteria, and for controlling each such drop station to physically sort articles from the sorting conveyor into a group of sorted articles according to the sorted list of articles for the drop station. An exemplary method concerns physically unloading articles on a conveyor at one or more drop stations through the steps of allocating to each of one or more drop stations a list of articles to be physically unloaded by the drop station, sorting each list of articles according to one or more sorting criteria, and controlling the operation of each of the one or more drop stations to physically unload articles according to a sorted list.
申请公布号 US5220511(A) 申请公布日期 1993.06.15
申请号 US19910643777 申请日期 1991.01.22
分类号 B07C5/34;B07C5/36;B65G47/50;D06F93/00 主分类号 B07C5/34
代理机构 代理人