发明名称 Sprinkler head having cap ejection system
摘要 A sprinkler head including a frame or body having an opening to be connected to a water line. The body also includes a pair of arms which are joined together at a junction. A cap encloses the opening and a releasable mechanism, such as a frangible glass bulb, is connected between the junction and cap. When the sprinkler head is exposed to an elevated temperature, the glass bulb will fracture releasing the cap to permit water to be discharged from the opening. The sprinkler head includes an ejection mechanism which prevents the cap from hanging up on the arms. The ejection mechanism has a base connected to a projection on the upstream side of the cap and a skirt extends longitudinally from the base and terminates in a thin edge facing upstream. When the cap is released by fracture of the bulb, the water pressure will force the cap axially and when the cap strikes the arms the cap will tilt slightly causing the water pressure to then act against the side surface of the skirt to provide a rapid tilting and ejection of the cap from the frame.
申请公布号 US5195592(A) 申请公布日期 1993.03.23
申请号 US19910771747 申请日期 1991.10.04
分类号 A62C37/14 主分类号 A62C37/14
代理机构 代理人