发明名称 Steering mechanism
摘要 A novel steering mechanism is provided which has both wheel tilting and steering capabilities. The steering mechanism comprises generally a platform, a plunger which is fixedly attached at one end to the bottom face of the platform, top and bottom axles of equal length disposed in parallel aligned space relationship to each other, a pair of wheels, and a steering rod. The plunger hingedly intersects each axle. The top axle includes a forwardly extending steering rod holder and the bottom axle includes a rearwardly extending steering rod holder, the steering rod holders being in axial alignment with each other. One end of both the top and bottom axles are hingedly connected to one wheel while the other end of both axles are hingedly connected to the second wheel. A steering rod intersects both steering rod holders and the plunger in axially sliding relationship, such that when a downward vertical force is applied offset from the center of mass of the platform, the platform and plunger change position to a) bring the top and bottom axles out of alignment to cause the wheels to tilt, and b) bring the forwardly and rearwardly extending steering rod holders out of alignment to cause the platform to turn relative to the axles and wheels.
申请公布号 US5169166(A) 申请公布日期 1992.12.08
申请号 US19910754008 申请日期 1991.09.03
分类号 A63C17/01 主分类号 A63C17/01
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