发明名称 System for rating electric power transmission lines and equipment
摘要 A system for determining the current carrying capability of one or more overhead power transmission lines monitors one or more spans of each line on real-time basis and identifies the span having the lowest current carrying capacity which in turn establishes the maximum capacity of the entire line. The thermal state of each monitored line span is determined by measuring the conductor temperature, line current, solar radiation, ambient temperature, and in some cases wind speed and wind direction. These parameters are monitored by a sensor-transmitter unit that may be removably clamped on the line conductor which may range in size from one to several inches in diameter, and includes a radio transmitter for transmitting sensed data to a receiving substation. The data from the sensor-transmitter is multiplexed and transmitted by a telecommunications link to a computer which automatically determines line capacity using the real-time data and also calculates the time required for the "critical span" having the lowest current capacity to reach its maximum safe temperature based on any of a number of step changes in load demands. Each sensor-transmitter may include sensors for monitoring the current level, conductor temperature, solar radiation impinging on the conductor, ambient temperature, wind direction and velocity and conductor sag. These sensors and the transmitter are enclosed in a corona-free housing and are powered by a power supply that includes a transformer core which surrounds and is inductively coupled with the monitored conductor. The core is formed in an upper and lower portion which are shiftable relative to each other upon opening and closing a pair of conductor clamping jaws in order to permit the conductor to be introduced into and withdrawn from the core and to allow the clamping jaws to fit a range of conductor diameters while maintaining constant air gaps between the upper and lower core portions.
申请公布号 US5140257(A) 申请公布日期 1992.08.18
申请号 US19910741964 申请日期 1991.08.05
分类号 G01R15/14;G01R19/15;H02J13/00 主分类号 G01R15/14
代理机构 代理人