发明名称 Luminescence emitter and radiation amplifier
摘要 <p>Device for emitting fluoresence and amplified radiation has a transparent, piezo-electric crystal with a piezo axis. The crystal is doped with ions of atoms which are heterogenic in relation to the crystal lattice. A piezo drive body is situated near the crystal and forms a single one-piece device with it. The piezo-drive body is coupled mechanically to the crystal and exerts a mechanical pressure on it to produce a direct piezo-electrical effect. The piezo drive has a piezo axis oriented to the crystal axis to produce a converse piezo-electric effect in the crystal. Both the direct and converse piezo-electric effects are directed against each other, and oppose each other in the crystal. Devices are provided to attach an a.c. source to the crystal and to the piezo-drive body.</p>
申请公布号 FR2050855(A5) 申请公布日期 1971.04.02
申请号 FR19690021539 申请日期 1969.06.26
分类号 B06B1/06;F21K2/00;H01G7/02;H01S3/086;H01S5/30;H01S5/32;H01S5/50;H05B33/00;(IPC1-7):01V7/00;01S3/00 主分类号 B06B1/06
代理机构 代理人