发明名称 Ore sample and water recovery apparatus and method therefor
摘要 A method and apparatus for preparing an ore sample and recovering water from a drilling rig is disclosed. Ore sample and water recovery apparatus (10) includes a slurry inlet (12) for receiving slurry from a drilling rig. Slurry is directed from slurry inlet (12) to a diffuser chamer (13) which includes an abrasion-resistant, rubbercoated diffuser (14) and a slurry converger (16). Slurry is then directed through a first vibrating sieve screen (21) which separates large particles from the slurry and directs them directly into sample tank (58). The slurry is passed on to a second vibrating sieve screen (22) which screens out progressively smaller sized particles and directs them into sample tank (58). The reminaing slurry is directed into a slurry basin (26) and infused into a hydraulic carrier medium of water using jet pump infuser (34). The slurry is then directed into cyclone separator (48) which extracts the remaining particles from the slurry and directs them into sample tank (58). The extracted and purified water is directed into a recovered water reservoir (64). The recovered water reservoir (64) is periodically emptied into a secondary storage tank using a second hydraulic water pump (66).
申请公布号 US5110457(A) 申请公布日期 1992.05.05
申请号 US19890430720 申请日期 1989.11.01
分类号 B03B9/00;E21B21/06;E21B49/00 主分类号 B03B9/00
代理机构 代理人