发明名称 X-ray laser
摘要 A tunable generator or amplifier of intense, collimated, monochromatic electromagnetic radiation includes primarily of a relativistic electron beam, a periodic medium, a periodic magnet or electromagnetic field, a vacuum housing, and, in the primary embodiment, a ring resonator. An accelerator provides a high current, relativistic electron beam which interacts with an electromagnetic wave in a periodic magnetic field and a periodic medium to achieve periodic phase synchronizism between the phase velocity of the electromagnetic wave and the velocity of the said electron beam. The said periodic phase synchronization results in the bunching of the electron beam and the amplification of the electromagnetic wave. In the primary embodiment the growing wave is returned back to the interaction region via Bragg reflectors. The wave continues to grow on each pass through the interaction region formed by the periodic medium and magnetic field. In this primary embodiment, part of the said growing wave can be transmitted through one of the Bragg reflectors which is only partially reflective. In this way the electromagnetic wave can be out into the external environment.
申请公布号 US5107508(A) 申请公布日期 1992.04.21
申请号 US19900614989 申请日期 1990.11.16
分类号 H01S3/09;H01S4/00 主分类号 H01S3/09
代理机构 代理人