发明名称 Model user application system for clinical data processing that tracks and monitors a simulated out-patient medical practice using data base management software
摘要 A computer system for recording patient care results for retrospective analysis in a primary care out-patient environment provides, in the present system, for entry of separate, linked electrocardiographic (EKG) or chest x-ray (CXR) test results (or both) for a database of patients. Entry of the EKG and/or CXR results prompts the creation of a separate lab record, if not already present, which may be holding blood work from the same lab test request. Portions of information entered in the EKG or CXR routine are automatically transferred to the separate lab record. Provision is made for linking the EKG or CXR records to the lab record in both "source" and "non-source" situations; a "source" situation meaning that the lab test request was made formally during an office visit, and a "non-source" situation meaning that the lab test request was made informally, such as by telephone. Two print generation programs pull together various linked data files and selectively print out information contained therein. The first prints out EKG and/or CXR data in conjunction with other clinical observations recorded at the primary care "parent" office visit. The second prints out specialist data in conjunction with other clinical observations recorded at the primary care "parent" office visit which prompted the referrals. The present system further includes a revision of the system's specialist record from an earlier work for more explicit use in information management.
申请公布号 US5099424(A) 申请公布日期 1992.03.24
申请号 US19890383180 申请日期 1989.07.20
分类号 G06F19/00 主分类号 G06F19/00
代理机构 代理人