发明名称 Elevator/staircase toy for small animals
摘要 An elevator/staircase toy for small animals (hamsters, gerbils, mice, or other small animals) housed in a transparent containment structure and comprising, first, a plurality of vertical walls radiating from a central vertical axis with a rotational sequence of horizontal plates disposed between them and offset vertically in an incremental and progressive manner, with a plurality of apertures disposed in the vertical walls in corresponding relation to the plates, optionally including one-way passage means on the apertures, and providing maximum floor space due to plate offsets and vertical apertures, secure, segmented living space which easily accommodates bedding, mazelike complexity in a compact structure offering directly viewable compartments and positive routing from a first horizontal plate to a designated last horizontal plate accessing an elevator, and second, an animal-operated and automatically resetting elevator embodied in a pair of counterbalanced elevator cars connected by cable suspended over guide pulleys and possessing cushioning means and animal-controlled or weight-sensitive retaining means. There are numerous safety features and food can be dropped directly into each elevator car for motivation. A bell is optional. Elevators lift out with a lid and the staircase disassembles with interlocking surfaces.
申请公布号 US5095852(A) 申请公布日期 1992.03.17
申请号 US19910682881 申请日期 1991.04.08
分类号 A01K15/02 主分类号 A01K15/02
代理机构 代理人