发明名称 Aechmea hybrid `Eileen`
摘要 A new and distinct Aechmea hybrid cultiver obtained by crossing (Aechmea FasciataxAechmea serrata) with Aechmea serrata, substantially as herein shown and described, characterized as to novelty by the unique combination of the spineless habit of the leaves, and a large, upright, heavily-branched inflorescence bright rose in color, which stays in color for several months.
申请公布号 US7833(P) 申请公布日期 1992.03.17
申请号 US19900544112 申请日期 1990.06.22
申请人 发明人
分类号 A01H5/02 主分类号 A01H5/02
代理机构 代理人