发明名称 Area displacement device for molten metal ladle
摘要 An open-top, heat-resistant container, such as a molten metal ladle for filling the shot sleeve of a die casting machine, having a block rigidly attached to the ladle and partly submerged into the surface of the molten metal in the container or ladle for reducing a major portion of at least half of the area of the exposed surface of the molten metal in the container. The block may be vertically adjustable for varying the amount of immersion into the molten metal when the predetermined amount of molten metal retained in the container has been reached by flow over a weir edge of the container or ladle. A fraction of a centimeter difference in level of molten metal in the container multiplied by the exposed area of molten metal in the container can amount to a kilogram difference in the molten metal measured by the tilt and weir of the container or ladle. Thus, the less the exposed area of the surface in the container, the more repeatable the measured amount of molten metal can be poured from the container. The ladle is mechanically movable from immersion in a tank of molten metal to a position above the tank for overflow of molten metal over the weir edge and/or tilting of the container to a predetermined angle to retain a measured amount of molten metal, and lastly pouring that measured amount into a mold, then starting the cycle over again.
申请公布号 US5080327(A) 申请公布日期 1992.01.14
申请号 US19900583463 申请日期 1990.09.17
分类号 B22D41/04 主分类号 B22D41/04
代理机构 代理人