发明名称 Method and apparatus for interfacing a thermal printer
摘要 A method and apparatus are provided for interfacing a thermal printer with a selected processor. The interface determines the operating speed of the processor as an initial step by running a speed routine which determines the time required by the processor to load a data byte and overhead time for such loading. A line of bytes, which may be grouped into sections, are then loaded into a first printer buffer at the same time a line of data in a second printer buffer is being strobed to control printing. After each line is loaded and printed, the contents of the first buffer are transferred into the second buffer. Strobe duration is controlled to be equal to a selected number of byte load times fine adjusted by byte overhead times. A strobe latch may be provided with a bit position for each byte section in a line to be printed. By selectively loading one or more bits into the strobe latch, any combination of one or more sections may be strobed during a given strobe cycle. This permits the peak power requirements for the printer to be controlled.
申请公布号 US5056043(A) 申请公布日期 1991.10.08
申请号 US19900514849 申请日期 1990.04.25
分类号 G06K15/00;G06K15/02 主分类号 G06K15/00
代理机构 代理人