发明名称 End tidal respiratory monitor
摘要 A method and apparatus for determining a number of important physiologic characteristics of a patient based on a end tidal determinations taken from a single respiratory waveform. In the preferred embodiment, breath detection, end-tidal occurrence, and respiratory information is determined using only the expired CO2 gas concentration waveform. The system of the present invention is capable of performing the following basic functions: (1) identification of breath-by-breath inspired/expired end-tidal gas concentrations of three or more other expired gases (i.e., O2, NO2, and a volatile anesthetic); (2) calculation of the respiratory, inspiratory, and expiratory periods; (3) calculation of the respiratory rate and inspiratory/expiratory ratio; and (4) calculation of the multi-breath and time-trend averages. The preferred embodiment of the invention system comprises a breath detection algorithm which is implemented in two phases-initialization and normal. The initialization phase tests for presence of a respiratory signal presence then determines the parameters necessary for the normal search phase. Initialization of the system requires no prior knowledge of the respiratory rate, end-tidal differences, or breathing type. The search method implemented in the normal search phase determines the occurrence of a breath by identifying the end-tidal inspired value for the next breath. Two independent search methods are used in the normal search phase. Each method identifies a potential candidate inspiration value. The candidate inspiration values are tested for appropriate amplitude. If the candidate inspiration value fails to satisfy predetermined values, the search process continues until a valid candidate is found or the detection search is reinitiated. In a situation where two candidate inspiration values are located, an arbitration procedure is implemented to determine whether one or both of the candidate inspired values is appropriate.
申请公布号 US5003985(A) 申请公布日期 1991.04.02
申请号 US19890423643 申请日期 1989.10.19
分类号 A61B5/083;A61B5/11;G06F17/00 主分类号 A61B5/083
代理机构 代理人