发明名称 Automatic fluid sedimentation rate measurement apparatus and method
摘要 An apparatus and method for automatically measuring and recording erythrocyte sedimentation rates (ESR) of blood samples according to the Westergren method includes a controllable specimen device member which measures sedimentation data of blood samples, and a data processor which controls the specimen device analyzes the sedimentation data and reports the results of its analyses. The specimen device is equipped with a controllable camera which measures the opacity of light passing through a specimen being analyzed. The camera has a high dynamic range, meaning that it is sensitive over a blood spectrum of light intensities, so that it guarantees an accurate reading even when the blood sample is hemolyzed or has turbid plasma. The apparatus makes an initial sedimentation height measurement on a specimen sample, and after a given amount of time makes a final sedimentation height measurement on that specimen. By comparing the initial and final sedimentation height measurements over a elapsed sedimentation time, the data processor calculates the sedimentation rate of the sample.
申请公布号 US5003488(A) 申请公布日期 1991.03.26
申请号 US19890321394 申请日期 1989.03.10
分类号 G01N15/04;G01N15/05;G01N21/53 主分类号 G01N15/04
代理机构 代理人