摘要 <p>Actuation mechanism for anti-skid device of the kind that includes a pulley or a wheel that can be brought in contact with the side of a vehicle wheel so that on the pulley fastened short chain pieces by the rotation of the vehicle wheel successively will be thrown in under the vehicle wheel. The actuation mechanism is constituted by a rotory vane servo or actuator where the vane is constituted by two plates (12, 13) that are fastened to a shaft (9) with a space between the plates, in which space a disk constituted by a TeflonR frame (16) and a core (15) of rubber is arranged. The plates are held against each other by means of a rivet (14), with an interlocated distance element (17). The TeflonR frame (16) floates freely between the plates (12 and 13) and hereby adapts precisely to the active space of the actuator and seals the vane allround. The pretension of the plates against each other is transferred hydraulically to the rubber and further on to the teflon seal, securing a good seal at all times independent of forces and actual dislocations of the shaft of the mechanism.</p>
申请公布号 WO1990011901(A1) 申请公布日期 1990.10.18
申请号 SE1990000234 申请日期 1990.04.06
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人