发明名称 Primer for a propellant charge.
摘要 <p>The disclosure relates to an apparatus in a primer (5) of the type which is disposed in the cartridge case (3) of a shell, projectile or the like for igniting the propellant charge (4) of the cartridge case. The primer comprises a sleeve-shaped portion (6) disposed in the rear plane (7) of the cartridge case, and an elongate tube (8) which extends centrally through the propellant charge (4) of the cartridge case forwardly towards the rear plane (15) of the shell. The forward portion of the primer tube adjacent the rear plane (15) of the shell is provided with an extension sleeve (12) which extends forwardly towards the rear plane (15) of the shell such that the forward portion (14) of the sleeve will surround a tracer cartridge (2) disposed at the rear plane of the shell. The point of collision in the event of a jolt against the rear plane (7) of the cartridge case will instead hereby be located between the extension sleeve and the rear plane (15) of the shell, such that damage to and unintentional ignition of the tracer cartridge (2) may be avoided.</p>
申请公布号 EP0390756(A2) 申请公布日期 1990.10.03
申请号 EP19900850071 申请日期 1990.02.19
分类号 F42C19/08 主分类号 F42C19/08
代理机构 代理人