发明名称 Target association method
摘要 An improved target association method including the steps of: (a) generating electrical or optical signals representing target detections from an image sensor; (b) storing the signals from a first detection interval in a first memory as a first frame of data; (c) storing the signals from a second detection interval in a second memory as a second frame of data; (d) generating a matrix of cost functions having n rows corresponding to n targets from the first frame of data and m columns corresponding to m targets in the second frame of data, each cost function being a function of one of n targets in a first frame of data and one of m targets in a second frame of data; (e) ordering the rows of the matrix by: (i) computing for each row a value equal to the difference between the two smallest cost functions in the row; (ii) identifying and selecting as an initial starting row, the row with the largest difference value, and removing from consideration for the calculation of difference values for subsequent rows, the column in which the smallest cost function in the row is located; (iii) setting the selected row as the first row in the order; (iv) calculating the difference values for subsequent rows; (v) setting as the next row in the order the row providing the largest difference value of the remaining rows, if the row has a difference value larger than that of any previously selected row, then recomputing the difference values for the previously selected rows removing from consideration for the calculation of the difference values the column in which the smallest cost function in the currently selected row is located; (vi) ordering the selected rows according to difference values; (vii) repeating steps (iv) through (vi) beginning with the last selected row, if the selected row is the last row, then (f) associating, for each row in accordance with the order of the rows, the signal from the target corresponding to the row with the signal from the target corresponding to the column, not previously associated, having the smallest cost function so that each signal corresponding to each target from the first frame of data is optimally associated with a signal corresponding to a single target in the second frame of data.
申请公布号 US4931952(A) 申请公布日期 1990.06.05
申请号 US19880177258 申请日期 1988.04.04
分类号 G06T7/00;G06T7/20 主分类号 G06T7/00
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