发明名称 Method of playing a bowling game
摘要 A method of playing a bowling game in which players are allowed at least one ball to knock down pins in each of a plurality of turns of play beginning with a given or beginning pin setup. Each player is required to deliver at least one ball in each of a succession of the given pin setups during a first turn of play until the player fails to knock down a given number of pins in one of the given pin setups. As play continues, at least one pin from the beginning pin setup is eliminated to define a further turn of play of a pin setup having a reduced number of pins. The number of consectuve times in which each player has knocked down at least one pin is recorded. The winner of the game is to be the player having the highest score in terms of consecutive strings in which that player knocked down at least one pin, as accumulated during the play of the game.
申请公布号 US4930775(A) 申请公布日期 1990.06.05
申请号 US19890350087 申请日期 1989.05.10
分类号 A63D1/00;A63D5/04 主分类号 A63D1/00
代理机构 代理人