发明名称 Strawberry-Anacapa
摘要 A new and distinct spring bearing variety of strawberry plant, characterized by its ability to produce large, glossy, dark crown crop berries during the early spring when given adequate chilling before being winter planted in southern California. It is distinguished by its consistently good shaped fruit that reflect an abundance of pollen production and uniformly fertilized pistil and achenes that develop. This crown crop fruit with its large calyx is borne on long thick pedicils. The plant is considered dark, and is vigorous only if given adequate chilling before being planted. This variety has the ability to continue cropping even in the summer, after the picking for the fresh market has been terminated.
申请公布号 US7171(P) 申请公布日期 1990.02.27
申请号 US19880291911 申请日期 1988.12.29
申请人 发明人
分类号 A01H5/08 主分类号 A01H5/08
代理机构 代理人