发明名称 Machine for brushing fabrics, equipped with counter-pile workers and with teazles
摘要 The brushing machine according to the invention comprises controlled brushing rollers of the counter-pile type as well as rollers of the teazle type, of small dimensions with respect to the width of the fabric to be brushed, mounted to rotate freely about their axis and covered with a card clothing whose teeth are directed parallel to the axis of rotation. The teazles are mounted side by side to form a line. The lines of teazles are mounted alternately with counter-pile workers on conventional raising machines or with counter-pile mini-T rollers on raising machines in which each worker is an assembly of small so-called mini-T rollers. The teazles and possibly the mini-T rollers are equipped at their ends with a protection means covering the zones of beginning and of end of clothing, for example a cap fast with the axis of rotation of the roller.
申请公布号 US4897901(A) 申请公布日期 1990.02.06
申请号 US19880283183 申请日期 1988.12.12
分类号 D06C11/00;D06C27/00 主分类号 D06C11/00
代理机构 代理人