发明名称 Continuous cyclic movements for generating a force without using fuels and in a maintenance-free manner
摘要 The subject of the present invention is to generate a force with the minimum expenditure of energy. The principal feature of this mechanism is the gear ratios between the motor M and the spring N via wheels C and Y and lever V. The force is multiplied by these gear ratios to produce a final ratio force at the motor of 1 - 240. The spring N is raised by a small motor and the force of the spring then moves the whole mechanism. To assist the mechanism for raising the spring N the wheel B exerts a force to displace the lever G. A flywheel may be incorporated in this mechanism. The basic mechanism consisting of the motor M, wheels A-B- C-Y, lever U, springs N and L, and lever G situated on the central shaft of the wheel A is claimed as novel and patentable. The wheel A is the principal element of this mechanism since a force and gear ratios are obtained that are capable of driving dynamos to power the motor.
申请公布号 ES2011314(A6) 申请公布日期 1990.01.01
申请号 ES19870003804 申请日期 1987.12.11
分类号 H02K53/00;(IPC1-7):H02K53/00 主分类号 H02K53/00
代理机构 代理人