摘要 <p>Breaking of nutshells with traditional nutcrackers often damages not only the shell but also the nut itself because the required force cannot be adjusted and the levers are not progressively pressed together. In the case of large nuts particularly, the hand is often not wide enough to hold the levers and the force required, especially for hard nuts, is often such as to hurt the wrist. If the crusher jaw (1) is separated from lever (3), the maximum lever path becomes constant and no longer varies with the diameter of the nuts. Simultaneously, the lever movement of the nutcracker is limited by fitting the crushing jaw (1) with a toothed ring. When the pincer movement is repeated with levers (2) and (3), jaw (1) each time moves one step closer on the toothed ring to the nut. Thus only the shell is broken, while the nut is not damaged. Moreover, the force required is significently reduced.</p>
申请公布号 WO1989008421(A1) 申请公布日期 1989.09.21
申请号 EP1989000231 申请日期 1989.03.07
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人