发明名称 High-pressure liquid pulse generator
摘要 <p>A cylinder is divided by its piston into two chambers. The first is joined to a compressed gas supply & the second is filled with liquid and has an aperture for the liquid to flow out under pressure by piston action. The compressed gas drives the piston which returns to its first position, after thrust, by the admission of pressurised liquid to the cylinder surround through holes in its side wall. These holes are covered by a movable locking element. A device initially opens the element from the holes until the piston moves to the second chamber. Another device completely moves the element from the holes by liquid-flow effect created outside the cylinder's circumference when the piston moves to the second chamber. Applications are to disintegrating rock, forging and shaping and cutting metals.</p>
申请公布号 FR2067686(A5) 申请公布日期 1971.08.20
申请号 FR19690039046 申请日期 1969.11.13
分类号 E21B7/18;F15B21/12;(IPC1-7):04B31/00;21C37/00;21D26/00 主分类号 E21B7/18
代理机构 代理人