发明名称 Mold and dust inhibiting product and method
摘要 A mold and dust inhibiting composition which has particular utility in connection with the storage and handling of animal feeds, grains, and hay, and also in connection with the use of animal litter such as poultry litter, as well as having general utility for controlling both mold and dust. The composition of the invention is an aqueous solution of one or more salts of propionic acid, one or more deliquescent substances, and also preferably one or more humectants. Propionate ions are made available for mold control by this solution just as effectively as propionic acid, but without the disadvantages of propionic acid including a bad odor, serious corrosive characteristics, and high volatility and hence short residual time. The deliquescent, and preferably also the humectant, prevent moisture from migrating toward container walls where there is a large day/night temperature differential, and also prevent dry regions from developing and producing potentially harmful dust. Addition of lecithin to the product as a lubricant provides additional protection against dust being generated where grain is screw-conveyed into grain elevators.
申请公布号 US4847067(A) 申请公布日期 1989.07.11
申请号 US19880166077 申请日期 1988.02.26
分类号 A01K1/015;A01N37/02;C09K3/22 主分类号 A01K1/015
代理机构 代理人