摘要 <p>An ink jet priming system (70) for an ink jet printer (10) having a reservoir (28) containing ink for ink jets (22) connected thereto and a reservoir opening (34) for receiving ink is described. The ink jet priming system (70) is provided with a seal (72) for selectively closing the reservoir opening (34). Pressurized air is supplied to the reservoir (28) from a tank (76) connected thereto through an opening (78) in the seal. The flow of air to the reservoir (28) is controlled so that there is an initial low pressure air flow to force ink into the jets (22) followed by a high pressure flow to force the discharge of the streaming discharge of the ink. A gutter assembly (80) connected to a disposable waste container (82) is provided for receiving and collecting the ink discharged during the priming process. The ink jet priming system (70) can be used with a moving print head (20) that contains two or more separate reservoirs (28) each with a separate reservoir opening (34). When used with a moving print head-multiple reservoir printer, the priming system (70) is provided with a capture assembly (74) for positioning the print head (20) so a single system can be used to seal and prime all the reservoirs (28).</p>
申请公布号 WO1989004255(A1) 申请公布日期 1989.05.18
申请号 US1988003889 申请日期 1988.11.01
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人