摘要 <p>Projector apparatus including a light source (1), a projection head (6, 7) and a projection stage aperture (5) for an object, the image of which is to be produced, the aperture being situated in the ray path between the light source and the projection head. An ellipsoidal mirror (5) is situated in the light path between the light source (1) and aperture (5). One focal point of the ellipsoidal mirror substantially coincides with the light source (1) and the other focal point of the mirror substantially coincides with the projection head. The projection head includes a deflection means (6). The projection head (6, 7) is situated substantially in a plane constituting a normal plane to the aperture plane and containing the front edge line of the aperture, as observed in the generally horizontal projection direction.</p>
申请公布号 WO1988005557(A1) 申请公布日期 1988.07.28
申请号 SE1987000562 申请日期 1987.11.27
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人