摘要 <p>A digital cross and auto correlator or structurator receives a stream of pulses of varying time separation forming an input signal (Fig. 4(a)). A plurality (M) of channels (4) each receives this input signal which is sampled to provide a series of digital numbers in successive sample time intervals. Each channel has a delay (13) for delaying an input signal to a delay value (τm) to provide a delayed signal (DD), and an arithmetic section (17, or 21, 22, 23) for receiving at one input a non-delayed input signal (I.D.) and at another input the delayed signal (D.D.). An accumulator (18) receives the output of the arithmetic section. The collective output (5) of the channels provides the required auto or cross correlation function. The correlator has means in each channel for providing a sample time interval (Tm) and a delay value (τm) that are independant of one another and of other channels. The sample time (Tm) and delay value (τm) are set by the frequency of and phase difference respectively between clock pulses (STC1, STTC2).</p>
申请公布号 WO1988004079(A1) 申请公布日期 1988.06.02
申请号 GB1987000845 申请日期 1987.11.26
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人