摘要 <p>The structure of the opener is mainly based on a firm cylindrical body (1) inside which there has been installed pressing parts (2) the meaning of which is to function as gripping means of the screw cap. The device functions so that when it is pressed against the top of the screw cap to be opened the pressing parts start to close squeezing strongly the screw cap from its sides. When the device is being twisted the cap either opens or closes. Structurally the functioning of the device is based on pressing parts which have been installed against the inside surface of the body with an axle so that they can turn vertically an angle approx. 25° from down slanting position close to horizontal plane. The pressing parts have been designed so that above the squeezing section there is an out sticking tip (7), which when pressed against the top of the cap turns the pressing parts upwards so that the distance between them shortens and the screw cap is squeezed between the pressing parts and the device is ready for use.</p>
申请公布号 WO1988003511(A1) 申请公布日期 1988.05.19
申请号 FI1987000145 申请日期 1987.10.30
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人