发明名称 Multi-purpose air delivered bomb - has armour piercing, anti-personnel and incendiary characteristics
摘要 <p>An armour piercing antipersonnel and incendiary cluster bomb has an inertial fuse, a firing pin and cap, a blasting cap, an explosive charge and a rear fin stabiliser. A rear preamplifier screen is shaped as a frustum with a generatrix-axis angle of 7-13 deg., and a front cylindrical section is fixed to the large section of the frustum by one end. A cone with a generatrix-axis angle of 20-40 deg. is directed rearwardly and an impact plastic hollow nose with a diameter 0.25-0.45 that of the container is connected to the cone base with an additional cavity at least 0.1 that of the cone vol. The bomb incorporates an incendiary agent and the casing is fragmentable. The agent is pref. rings of Zr around the inside of the casing.</p>
申请公布号 ES8707609(A1) 申请公布日期 1987.10.16
申请号 ES19470005539 申请日期 1986.04.14
分类号 (IPC1-7):F42B25/22;F42B25/24 主分类号 (IPC1-7):F42B25/22
代理机构 代理人