摘要 <p>A procedure for drying cables having multiple pairs of insulated wires therein by using a compound comprising a mixture of polymer granules and granules of a lubricating and bond-breaking substance. The polymer granules are swellable and insoluble with respect to water and do not electrochemically heat in the presence of water. They encapsulate the water leaving the insulation material unaffected except for being dried. The principal polymer used is a salts of carboxylate. Further, a technique is disclosed for coating or insulation grafting a metallic cationic wire wherein the wire is placed in water in the presence of salts of carboxylate or other appropriate polymers having anionic groups together with a cationic substance, such as lithium. A dc current is then introduced to establish the wire as an anode. By electrolysis action there is established a hydrophobic coating having a polymer-anionic-to-metal-cationic bond with the metal. The procedure of introducing salts of appropriate anionic polymers and cationic substances where there is an insulation break and short between the wires, providing moisture or standing water and a small dc current has been found useful in repairing such breaks by the formation of an electrochemical coating on the exposed anode wire.</p>
申请公布号 WO1987006069(A2) 申请公布日期 1987.10.08
申请号 US1987000565 申请日期 1987.03.23
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人