摘要 <p>Circular saw blade having saw-teeth (1) arranged about its outer circumference (6) and a centre hole (4), wherein there are arranged distributed over the circular saw blade a number of grooves (5) which extend through the thickness of the saw blade. The grooves are arranged at a distance from both the outer circumference and the centre hole (4) and are provided over the greater part of their length with a width such that in the normal operating state of the circular saw blade and at a working temperature above room temperature the edges (12, 13) of the grooves come into contact with each other and form a mutually stabilizing, vibration-dampening support.</p>
申请公布号 WO1987005556(A1) 申请公布日期 1987.09.24
申请号 SE1987000147 申请日期 1987.03.20
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人