摘要 <p>Multilayered image receptive film developed in distinguishable colors by kinetic energy imparted by radiant beam exposure which comprises (a) a first imaging layer composed of an aliphatic, polymeric binder containing from about 40 wt. % to about 70 wt. % of labile halogen, said binder capable of dehydrohalogenation at address points of radiant energy exposure and having dispersed therein a first polyphenylmethane compound capable of forming a first halide salt dye upon generation of hydrogen halide from said binder; (b) a second imaging layer similar to said first imaging layer and contiguously disposed below said first imaging layer, containing a second and distinct polyphenylmethane compound capable of forming a halide salt dye of a color distinguishable from that of said first halide salt dye and (c) a conductive support for layers (a) and (b). The invention also relates to a process of multi-color imaging by subjecting said film to a plurality of radiant energy exposures at critically distinct beam energies individually modulated in accordance with the thickness of each imaging layer to effect penetration and exposure of the first and second imaging layers separately and to form halide salt dyes of distinguishable colors in said first and second imaging layers at the respective points of beam address.</p>
申请公布号 WO1987005718(A1) 申请公布日期 1987.09.24
申请号 US1987000255 申请日期 1987.02.06
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人