发明名称 Golf swing training apparatus
摘要 The apparatus comprises a U-shaped base member which defines the place where the golfer stands and adjustably supports one or more masts with boom extending therefrom toward the golfer, each boom carrying at its extended end, a member contacting the golfer's body. One such member is positioned from the rear between the golfer's knees so that on his swing, one side of the member touches the inside of his left knee on his backswing only and the other side of the member touches the inside of his right knee on his downswing only. Another such member is positioned from the rear to contact the outside of the golfer's left knee on his downswing only. Another such member is positioned from the front against any side of the golfer's head. Another such member is positioned from the rear against the outside of the golfer's right knee so as to keep his weight on the inside of his right foot. The apparatus also includes a flexible, elongated curtain supported at a low height in front of the place where the golfer stands on the far side of his ball whereby, by swinging his club on his downswing so as to travel parallel to that curtain but without striking it, the golfer swings in an "inside-out" arc.
申请公布号 US4659084(A) 申请公布日期 1987.04.21
申请号 US19850766911 申请日期 1985.08.16
分类号 A63B69/00;A63B69/36;(IPC1-7):A63B69/36 主分类号 A63B69/00
代理机构 代理人