发明名称 Adaptive control system for press presetting
摘要 A process for the continuous and automatic presetting of the fountain keys (48) a printing press (10) based on objective data obtained from scanning an image to be printed by means of a light table (70) identifies that family of printing jobs wherein an objective relationship has been established between the objectively obtained ink coverage data obtained from the light table and the key settings actually established for each of those jobs by a pressman. A minimum of four jobs are selected for adaptation, and in the preferred embodiment, as many as ten jobs are included within the group selected for adaptation. If four or more jobs in a row are rejected as being outside the selected family of jobs, then a separate adaptation procedure is used to determine whether these jobs establish an objective relationship, and if so, then they will be used to derive the information necessary for presetting the press. In the preferred embodiment, a Fourier analysis is used to determine the relationship between the objective data derived from the light table and the pressman's key settings for each particular job.
申请公布号 US4655135(A) 申请公布日期 1987.04.07
申请号 US19810311826 申请日期 1981.10.16
分类号 B41F33/00;(IPC1-7):B41F31/04;B41F33/16 主分类号 B41F33/00
代理机构 代理人