发明名称 Gas monitoring method and device
摘要 A method for monitoring air inleakage and oxygen content in a steam system, including the steps of: monitoring air flowing in the exhaust of a condenser; determining the total gas flow rate and oxygen content thereof; injecting a pulse of oxygen into the exhaust and measuring the transit time to the monitoring location; determining actual air inleakage rates, independent of or along with the oxygen content thereof; comparing the actual air inleakage and oxygen rates with predetermined rates; and, if the actual rates are increasing relative to the predetermined rates, isolating and eliminating the air inleakage and introducing more oxygen scavenger or, if the actual rates are decreasing relative to the predetermined rates, introducing less oxygen scavenger. The related device includes a conventional, high temperature, oxygen-solid, electrolyte cell sensor for monitoring the total gas flow rate and oxygen content in the exhaust, and an oxygen pulse injector located upstream of the oxygen sensor for introducing a pulse of oxygen into the exhaust. The transit time of the oxygen from injection to the monitoring location is measured by a timing device and recorder. The air inleakage rates, independent of or along with the oxygen content thereof, are then measured. The feedback from these rates is then used to control the amount of air inleakage and oxygen content in the steam system.
申请公布号 US4635468(A) 申请公布日期 1987.01.13
申请号 US19850743340 申请日期 1985.06.10
分类号 F01K21/06;F22D11/00;F28B9/10;(IPC1-7):G01N31/00 主分类号 F01K21/06
代理机构 代理人